Sunday, November 16, 2008

His Grace Is Sufficient for Even Me

I just got back from a fabulous weekend!!! I went to the "Women of Faith Conference"!!! It was wonderful, marvelous, and touched me more than words can explain!!! The subject for the weekend was "Grace"!!! You know sometimes we forget about God's Grace!!! I needed to be reminded of so many things that I heard this weekend.

I don't know how many of you out there are American Idol watchers but our family has watched since Season 1 and are addicted!!!! LOVE IT!!! Anyway, If you watch you will remember a few seasons ago a lady named Mandisa being on there and she did end up in the finals!!! She let it be known from the beginning that she was a christian and was in love with the Lord!!! Anyway she has joined the Women of Faith Team and so she was there this weekend, shared her testimony and did a full concert!!! It was so inspiring and touching. She is a beautiful person inside and out!!! I love her and I want to be more like her!!!!

This is my first blog and I hope to make friends and share lots of experiences with one another that will help us all grow in our christiananity!!!!